The oasis on the edge of the village
The association "Lebensgut-Cobstädt" was registered in early 2007 and is based in the village of Cobstädt in Thuringia. We are a group of people who have been involved in organic farming since 2004 and have a shared dream of creating an organic park here.
Initially, we leased 7 hectares of conventionally farmed land to the north-east of the village. Over the years, the field has been transformed into a thriving oasis. With the support of volunteers, some for a day and some for a season, the association has planted a wide collection of rare and unusual fruit trees, erected a water tower fed by water from a revitalised spring, built a barn, a photovoltaic electricity supply, a wind turbine and a shelter, created a stone circle as an venue for events, planted vegetable beds irrigated by water from the spring, and supported sheep and poultry farming.
In between there are various other projects, including the "Kräuterinsel" (herb island).
In 2005, we transferred part of the land we lease to the Grünschnabel vegetable workshop.
Other activities include the art and cultural projects, such as the kinetic sculptures that stand on our field. The site is a venue for weddings, birthdays and other celebrations, as well as for concerts, seminars and workshops. Every autumn the local apples are harvested, brought to the barn where they are scratted (ground down) into a pulp from which the apple juice is pressed.
The absence of chemicals, a constant crop rotation, a near-natural landscape with meadows, pastures, fields, fruit trees and hedges on our site encourages the return of a number of animal species and plant diversity.
In the meantime, we have taken over the former "Honigweinschenke" (a pub that used to specialise in mead) and are in the process of gradually restoring it. It helps that we have set up our own wood workshop and metal workshop in Cobstädt.
We are open-minded and democratic in our endeavours to develop and implement joint decision-making processes, contribute to the regional conservation of rare animal and plant species and share this as part of the Global Eco Village Network.
If you would like to get involved with one of our projects, or start your own project, please do not hesitate to get in contact with us at info[at]
Every homestead is organizing itself internally, but there is a strong connection between the homesteads in form of friendships and joint projects. We are always trying to fulfill all individual needs, work together, take responsibility for each other and help and support each other. From time to to time all of us come together for celebrations, feasts or joint activities. The basis for everything we do reciprocal appreciation and respect for life itself.
You are always welcome here.